Sunday, 19 July 2009
Mekong Arts and Media Festival 2009 Complete Details and Information
The Mekong Region holds the remarkable distinction of being one of Asia’s cultural lifeblood. The interesting cross-cultural diversity of the six countries that make up the region: Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam and the rich mix of history and art provide for a great backdrop for organizing the Mekong Arts and Media Festival 2009 which will be held on November 23-27 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Organized by the Philippine Educational Theater Association – Mekong Partnership Program in conjunction with Phare Ponleu Selpak, Save the Children-UK, and Center for Community Health Research and Development, the Festival is seen as an opportunity for artists, media practitioners, cultural workers, and key players in development work to showcase and exhibit creative works that have contributed to the development of new, innovative forms for social advocacy and transforming communities.
The Festival is a five-day event that will converge the diverse cultures and various art and media forms of Mekong. During the Festival, the Arts and Media groups and communities will go center stage and present the range of forms and creative expressions that they have been continuously developing for the past years as alternative tools for social advocacy.
The Mekong Arts & Media Festival seeks to:
1. Showcase and celebrate the bodies of works (theater performances, visual arts, short films, video stories, photos and other forms of creative media) that have been produced in the sub-region and were used as transformative tools for advocacy and development.
2. Give local people greater voice by bringing together Mekong artists, cultural workers, media practitioners, and key players in development to discuss, share and compare experiences, learning and insights about their crafts and skills across different areas and disciplines;
3. Provide venue and facilitate the interaction of artists and media practitioners as actors in the process of social transformation with other stakeholders in development;
4. Create a venue that will inspire, encourage and facilitate creative thinking amongst people to develop new innovative strategies for consciousness-building and development work in the sub-region;
5. Promote greater public awareness of the sub-region’s various cultural and development issues to local and international audiences;
6. Advance network links and inter-institutional collaboration and identify new areas and forms of partnerships.
The Mekong Arts and Media Festival 2009 is organized by the Philippine Educational Theater Association’s Mekong Partnership Project, Phare Ponleu Selpak, Save the Children UK, and Center for Community Health Research & Development. These organizations have already been involved in the development of capacity-building programs utilizing the different creative spaces in the Mekong region, which consequently afforded the creation and development of materials and performances that delve into the challenges of development, modernization and integration in the fast-changing region. The festival is just one of converging points for all these efforts.
The festival is made possible with the support of The Rockefeller Foundation, European Union, Japan Foundation, and Heinrich Boell Foundation-Southeast Asia.
The conference is the venue for academic and cultural exchanges and discussion of the various experiences and insights on the involvement of artists, media practitioners and institutions in addressing the need for developing relevant alternative media for advocacy and development. Selected interest groups will be organizing conferences on specific themes and topics, e.g. Children’s Rights, Arts and Media for Development, etc.
The workshops are designed to provide dynamic spaces for exchange of various artistic and technical skills and practices on the different fields of arts and media. The following are the skills-based workshops:
• Circus
• Shadow Theater
• Puppetry
• Dance
• Visual Art
• Creative Storytelling for children
• New Media
• Mainstreaming Advocacies through Visual Communication
Selected groups/organizations will showcase on-stage and off-stage pieces in styles ranging from traditional to contemporary and avant garde performances. Twilight performances will feature sketches, improvisational acts, monologues, puppetry, storytelling sessions, poetry readings, and other compact performance pieces. It also serves as an open/“shoutout” space for festival delegates where output from workshops or other improvisational pieces may be performed.
Evening performances will showcase performances that have been originally conceived in previous theater/arts laboratories and have already been performed in various countries/locations. Featured performances will exhibit the different art forms and collaboration work of the various participating groups in the festival.
Schedule of performances, film showing and “twilight” features will be posted around the Festival area.
Various themes and forms ranging from documentaries, video stories, short films and feature films discussing the issues of the Region will be shown. Special features include award-winning documentaries on the people and culture of Mekong and films by internationally-acclaimed filmmakers.
Featured works by selected visual artists, photographers around the region will be exhibited in special venues. Concept exhibits will tackle specific sectors or issue in the GMS such as Children’s Rights, Gender and Sexuality, Poverty, migration, etc.
Opening Parade and Ceremony
The activity will celebrate the confluence of cultures and nationalities through a parade of the various presenting/participating groups. The parade will also feature fundamental elements and icons of the Khmer culture and tradition as a special recognition to the people of Cambodia for hosting the festival.
Welcome/Opening Reception
The event is a Welcome Banquet that will officially commence the Festival. The organizers have invited a Guest of Honor to officially Open the Festival and welcome the participants.
Mekong Arts and Crafts Village
A festive market will be set up to showcase the different artworks, colorful wares, crafts and products of the various groups from the GMS. A Special section on Books and Publications will be set up to feature various publications on arts, media and development in the Mekong sub-region.
(A limited number of spaces for selling and exhibits are available for institutions, publications, organizations and other interested individuals. For inquiries, please contact the FESTIVAL SECRETARIAT.)
Closing Reception
The event will be the sending-off celebration for the participants of the Festival which highlights two elements: the commitment pact and the turn-over. The symbolic pact centers on the participants’ commitment to be actively involved in and pursue the integration of arts in the development process by continuing to support the development and building of creative communities in the sub-region. The symbolic turn-over will represent the cross-generational exchange by symbolically opening the door for the involvement of the children and youth sector in the development process. A special creative performance followed by a special community celebration will cap the event.
Tour packages will be arranged during workshop hours. Participants who will join the Tour/ exposure trip will be grouped into 10-15 members each. Participants will be treated to a visual feast of Cambodian culture and history. Social Events and activity may happen during the tour/visit.
*Performances, film showings and exhibits are open to the public. For some shows/performances, tickets will be sold at the event site.
NOTE: The Festival Organizers are still accepting proposals for presentations for live performances, video/film showing, visual art/photo exhibits, and other special events. Please submit your proposals with sample works (video and synopsis) to the Festival Secretariat (
For workshop proposals:
Delegates and any interested party can propose to facilitate/conduct a workshop class. Proposed workshop classes should be 2-3 hours long. Workshop hours are between 1:00 – 4:00pm. Please provide written description of the proposed workshop class. For more details and other inquiries, please contact the Secretariat.
The Children and Youth Bloc is one of the highlights of the Festival. It will showcase bodies of works done by the children and young people of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). The bloc is organized in collaboration with Save the Children UK (SC-UK) and gives special emphasis to children and young peoples participation in development work done in Mekong.
An extensive range of integrated theater arts activities is designed to help consolidate and make into tangible expressions the various stories, aspirations, and views, of the young people from Mekong on the current social realities and the problems that directly affect them. It hopes to capture the various issues experienced by the children and young people of Mekong brought about by the ongoing regional integration and modernization through various arts and media forms.
The activities of the bloc will parallel the general events of the Festival. The Children and Youth Bloc will have its own schedule and set of performances, conferences, workshops, exhibits, video/film showing and other special events.
The Children and Youth Bloc activities was designed with the help of PETA’s own children and youth Programs: the Children’s Theater Program and the Metropolitan Teen Theater League (MTTL). The children and young people delegates from various communities of the GMS will have their own forum and together learn artistic skills to come up with their own artistic output that will speak of their own stories and aspirations.
Walking Through Faces (Hallway Photo and Poetry Exhibit)
Where We Are (Individual/Group Performances)
Sharing Spaces (Interactive Improvisations)
The Festival welcomes Mekong artists, media practitioners, cultural workers, students, drama/theater teachers, advocates, public officials, and development workers who are willing to showcase and exhibit works, share lessons and experiences, learn technical skills and strategies in using various forms of arts and media for education, advocacy, development work, and transforming communities in Mekong societies. It is also open to other nationalities willing to contribute, learn from, and explore the various possibilities of how arts can be integrated into the whole development process.
Interested individuals/groups can participate as:
Regular Delegate. Regular delegates have access to all festival events e.g. conferences, workshops, exhibits and performances and are expected to participate in all activities either as performers, presenters, resource speakers, workshop facilitators, participants, etc.
Observer. Observers will be given day passes/tickets and are allowed to attend only a list of selected workshop/s, seminar/s and festival activities. Arrangements can be made with the Festival Secretariat for advance registration in chosen activities.
Media Representative. Interested journalists and press institutions who would like to cover this regional event may also come and register as official Media Representative. Limited scholarship slots shall be offered to journalists and other media practitioners in each country. A Media Press Room shall be set-up as press hub and working space. See Registration for requirements and application process.
Online: Fill out the Registration Form with your complete personal information, contact details, participation preference and your chosen mode of payment, then click submit.
Fax/E-mail: You can download the Registration Form (pdf/doc file) and provide the necessary personal and contact details. Send it through fax (66-2) 9307851 or via email to
DEADLINE of application and payment for REGULAR REGISTRATION is on OCTOBER 16, 2009.
Discounted rates shall be offered to EARLY REGISTRANTS if application and payments are submitted on or before AUGUST 31, 2009.
ONSITE REGISTRATION is also accepted. We require onsite registrants to book their own hotel and submit application on or before November 6, 2009.
REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION. Official notices will be sent through post or email within ten (10) working days after receipt of the payment and filled out registration form.
On-site Registration:
Delegates may still register on-site as early as November 21, 2009 (8:00 am– 5:00 pm) at the Chaktomuk Conference Hall, Preah Sisowath Quay, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
REGULAR DELEGATE Before August 31, 2009 September 1 – October 15, 2009 11/21-22/09
Inclusive of
- Food for 5 days (Hotel lunch, Dinner, Opening & Closing reception)
- Festival kit & Tokens
- Access to all events & performances
- Translation services
- Airport & Inland Transportation USD 550.00 USD 650. 00
USD 750. 00
Inclusive of:
- Festival Kits
-Access to the day’s events
-Food (Hotel Lunch,Dinner)
- Translation services -- USD 150.00 USD 150. 00
-- Amount is per show/session. Contact Festival Secretariat for details.
The Registration fee does not include Hotel Accommodation. Discounted hotel rates are available if you book through the Festival Secretariat. Please indicate in your Registration Form and contact the Secretariat if you wish to avail of this privilege.
To encourage participation from the children & youth sector, the Festival Organizer is offering a special discounted rate of 20% less of the Registration Fee to:
- Official delegates belonging to the Children and Youth Bloc
- Students not older than 24 years old and currently enrolled in school/University. A student ID and School endorsement to participate in the Festival are required to avail of the 20% discount.
A special 10% discount shall also be offered to senior citizens (60 years above) and group registration of not less than 10 people. Please e-mail the Secretariat for group registration arrangements.
All monetary transactions are in US Dollars. Payments can be made through:
Bank Address: 677 Aurora Boulevard, near Broadway Centrum, New Manila, Quezon City, Philippines.
Bank Contact #: 412-3484 and 416-5329
Account Name: Philippine Educational Theater Association, Inc.
Account #: 009-101-00188-4 (US Dollar Savings Account)
Type of Currency: US Dollars
Swift Code: UBPHPHMM
8. Cash – for late/on-site registrants and Day Pass delegates only. Cash payments will only be received by the official Festival Finance officer.
Full and partial scholarship support shall be provided to a limited number of delegates from the member countries of Mekong. The Support is inclusive of travel airfare and taxes, visa fees, board and lodging, registration fees and travel insurance.
To apply for FULL OR PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP, please submit:
• One copy of updated Curriculum Vitae
• 2 sample works (for performers, please provide photos and videos of your performance)
• Two (2) Recommendation Letters from any legitimate arts and media institutions in the sub-region
• Filled out Scholarship form
For Media Representatives applying for scholarship, please submit the following requirements:
• One copy of updated Curriculum Vitae
• Photocopy or scanned copy of Official Press ID
• 2 Sample works (news articles/feature with byline and/or clips of TV coverage)
-Published article written in the local language with English translation
-Published article written in English
• Letter of Recommendation from your Editor (should also indicate the Festival as the participant’s official assignment)
• Letter of Recommendation from any legitimate local media institution in the sub-region
• One copy of draft pre-event feature article on Mekong Arts and Media Festival 2009. Please provide an English translation if article is written in your local language.
Deadline of applications is on AUGUST 14, 2009. Announcement of accepted scholars will be on August 21, 2009.
The Festival Steering Committee continues to raise funds to support more scholars from the sub-region. We can only pledge scholarship to a limited number of artists and media practitioners. We, therefore, encourage other interested individuals and groups to raise their own funds to cover the expenses needed for their participation in the Festival. We appreciate any contributions, donations, and sponsorships to increase participation of children & youth and those who may not have the means to participate in this Festival.
Cancellation of registration/application should be made not later than October 31, 2009. Send a written Request to Cancel Registration sent through email/fax addressed to the Secretariat. A thirty percent (30%) cancellation fee will be deducted from your Registration fee to cover Administrative and fund transfer costs.
If cancellation is made after October 31 and not later than November 16, Registrants will only get fifty percent (50%) of the Registration fee.
All fees shall be forfeited if cancellation is made after November 16, 2009.
For a copy of any of the festival forms (registration, scholarship and accommodation) and other inquiries, please email,
SISOWATH QUAY is the street that stretches along the Tonle Sap River, where most Festival venues are located. The street will be the parade grounds for the Welcome event on the 23rd of November.
CHAKTOMUK CONFERENCE HALL is the main site of the Mekong Arts and Media Festival 2009. Most Festival events & major activities (e.g. Opening/Closing program, registration, plenary, theater performances, exhibits and bazaars) will take place in this area.
Address: (Theatre) Preah Sisowath Quay, Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh 12207, Cambodia
Telephone: 855 (0) 23 982210, 855 (0) 12 994436, 855 (0) 16 935666, 855 (0) 11 926542
Link to: Designed by renowned architect Vann Molyvann, this venue was originally opened in 1961 as La Salle de Conférence Chaktomuk. Earmarked for redevelopment as a restaurant in 1991, it was brought back into use as a theatre in 1994 following the devastating fire at the National Theatre. The Chaktomuk Conference Hall was completely refurbished in 2000, primarily to provide international-standard facilities for conferences. Subject to programming it is still utilised from time to time as a theatre venue, but only for special programmes organised directly by the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts.
For more details, please see
CAMBODIANA HOTEL is the venue for the Festival’s conferences, workshops, video and film showings. Delegates who are interested to stay in this hotel may book through the Secretariat to get lower rates. For the conference and workshop schedule, please click here.
Address: 313 Sisowath Quay,Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Telephone number: (855) 23 218-189 / 426 288
Fax: (855) 23 426 392
Link to: Situated on the banks of the Mekong River and at the heart of Phnom Penh, the hotel provides its guests with unrivalled combination of comfort and convenience. With ready access to both tourist and business landmarks along with sweeping views of one of the world's great rivers, Hotel Cambodiana balances a proud sense of tradition with a commitment to maintaining its reputation for excellence.
The opening of Hotel Cambodiana in 1962 was of great cultural significance to Cambodia, reflecting the bold sense of optimism and vision that has revived international interest in Phnom Penh and Cambodia. Inspired to continue this legacy, the team at Hotel Cambodiana will ensure you the experience of the famous Khmer hospitality that inspires so many visitors to return time and again.
For more details, please see
IMPERIAL GARDEN HOTEL AND VILLA is one of Cambodia’s well-known residences for official meetings and gatherings. This November, Imperial Garden Hotel and Villa will serve as the main headquarters and residence of the Festival Secretariat and delegation.
PREAH PONLEA One of Cambodia’s highlighted festivals is the boat-raising/water festival. The Preah Ponlea is the special venue during these boat-raising events. It serves as the Royal podium where the King and most of the royal family observe the traditional water festival.
During the Festival, Preah Ponlea will serve as the Cambodian’s welcoming platform for the international delegation. This is also where some of the public and street performances will happen.
PREAH PARAMA RAJA VAING is the garden along the rivers, inside the Chaktomuk complex. This is the venue for many of the Festival’s special events (e.g. such as the Open-Air Receptions, Opening/Closing Ceremonies, Arts and Crafts Fair, select performances, Registration, etc.). This can also be an open space for spontaneous performances and art happenings.
Venues and schedules are subject to change.
The Secretariat made arrangements with hotels (See List Below) near the Festival Sites to serve as official residence of the delegates at special rates. Please book through the Secretariat if you wish to avail of these rates.
Fill in and submit Accommodation Form together with the Registration Form. List of hotels and the exclusive festival rates*:
Golden Gate Hotel
US $ 35.00 US $ 17.50
Regent Park Hotel
US $ 45.00 US $ 25.00
Imperial Garden Villa and Hotel
US $ 65.00 US $35.00
Hotel Cambodiana
US $ 80.00 US $ 45.00
* Rates are inclusive of taxes and buffet breakfast.
Most of these Hotels are located within walking distance, except for Golden Gate Hotel (10-minute drive), from Chaktomuk Conference Hall. All Rooms are equipped with standard facilities such as hot and cold shower, telephone, fridge, safety deposit box, cable TV and (internet access). Visit their website for further information about the Hotel.
Payment Guideline
Payments for Hotels can only be accepted through bank transfer. Please send your payment in full amount to the Festival Secretariat on or before October 16, 2009.
Confirmation of Hotel Reservation
All hotel reservations will be confirmed through fax or email within 10 days of receipt of the full payment. Should you encounter any problem with the hotel reservation or payment procedure, please contact the Festival Secretariat.
Early Departure or No-show
No refund shall be given for hotel payments if cancellation is made 2 weeks before check-in.
Checking Out
All participants are booked until morning of November 28. You are requested to check out and settle accounts by 12 noon.
The Festival organizers will not be responsible for participants who extend their stay for sightseeing and city tour and/or other purposes. Should you decide to stay longer, please inform the Secretariat and make the necessary arrangements.
Airport Transfer/Inland Transportation
The Festival Secretariat will arrange for Airport transfer service for your convenience. Please inform us of your flight details so we can make proper airport pick-up arrangement.
A shuttle/van service shall be provided for delegates staying at Golden Gate Hotel as well as for those with physical disabilities. Festival tuktuks shall also be stationed at major Festival points. The Secretariat will post regular announcements at Festival venue bulletin boards for schedule of transport services.
1. What is the significance of this Festival?
The Mekong Arts and Media Festival is a pioneering and groundbreaking regional event that provides creative space not only for the sake of mastering an art form but to also create an inclusive, open and dynamic space for interaction and collaboration among creative communities of Mekong. The Festival does not advocate one specific method or genre for creative development. In fact, it goes beyond the forms and creatively pushes the envelope and presents questions and conditions that have social, political and cultural significance to the peoples of the Mekong region.
It further challenges us – the artists, media practitioners, cultural workers, and stakeholders of development to look past our creations and go beyond the borders of our immediate environment and take the opportunity to be part of the emerging social transformation of the Mekong region.
2. What will I learn from this festival?
Delegates will learn to appreciate and celebrate the diverse cultural milieu and forms, look back and reflect on its historical past, question and be critical of the ongoing regional integration, and recognize the local players and the cultural significance of their selected works in developing and transforming communities. Delegates will also learn to share experiences, skills and knowledge and take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate with other groups.
3. Is the Festival exclusive to artists and media practitioners?
The Festival is open to any individual or groups who are interested in the use of arts and media forms for transforming communities and societies. It is open to all who are working for the development and welfare of vulnerable groups and troubled nations in the Mekong region. It is most open to all those who believe in the power of creativity and culture as an entry point for societal transformation.
4. Can I (or my group) join the event as a presenter/performer and a participant at the same time?
All delegates are expected to actively participate in the activities. The festival organizers also highly encourage the presentation/showcase of various works and experiences while working for culture and development in the region through a performance, documentary or any chosen creative media.
Festival Secretariat
c/o PETA Mekong Partnership Program
350/2061 Ratchada Chuanchom Mansion
Soi Ladphao 23, Ladphao Road, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel.: (66-2) 9092649
Tel./Fax: (66-2) 9307851
Mobile: (66-81) 9097459
